Civil Engineering
150 civil engineering tenders per year
Every year, the ITC Group works on 150 civil engineering tenders for over 100 different contractors. We are noticing that the market is developing at a fast rate: the winning plan of today may only reach second place tomorrow. Still, 55% of our tenders rank 1st on MEAT. We achieve this by continuously working together with our customers on improving methods, processes and measures.
A recent development is the transition from “MEAT” (Most Economically Advantageous Tender) to “BPQR” (Best Price/Quality Ratio). According to the rules of BPQR tendering, clients determine themselves whether, and to what extent, they choose to award a notional reduction for one or more award criteria. More than ever, tenderers must fully understand the clients’ needs and wishes to come up with a winning approach.
The ITC Group helps tenderers by organising strategy sessions, during which our MEAT specialists work with the customer to analyse the request and determine the best strategy. Subsequently, it is crucial to translate that strategy and the related solutions into words and images that appeal to the evaluation committee. For each tender, we determine which specialists we assign to it to achieve the desired result.
Our specialists
We have four experienced civil engineering specialists in our team. They work the strategy and measures into the plan of approach, in consultation with the customer. They are internally supported by the Q team (which monitors quality) and our linguists (to ensure that the plan is a pleasant read). In addition, we have our own design department. Our desktop publishers and graphic designers visualise the most complex phasings, processes or bottlenecks in a clear way in 2D and 3D.
Through the efforts of our specialists and – at least as important – our continuous interaction with our customers, we are keeping abreast of the developments in the infrastructure sector.
Would you like to know more about the ITC Group and the services we provide? Then please contact Ron Hogendoorn and/or Bouke Bosch. Or leave a message on our contact page and we will get in touch with you.
What can the ITC Group do for you?
✔ Create a winning strategy;
✔ Devise and design a vision and corporate identity for a project organisation;
✔ Organise sessions to meet the quality criteria of the client;
✔ Write proposals/bids/MEAT/EMVI/EMVO documents;
✔ Write project management plans required during the realisation;
✔ Create a graphic design for the plans in 2D and 3D;
✔ Analyse BIM models;
✔ Review and edit proposals/bids/MEAT/EMVO documents;
✔ Create presentations;
✔Give presentation and interview training;