Project Support

Project support

Whether it is project management, project control, environment management, risk management, managing and drawing up documents for the VTW (Vereniging van Toezichthouders in Woningcorporaties, or Associated Regulators in Housing Associations), or license management, the ITC Group will do it for you and offer the level of quality the client expects.
We can provide junior, medior and senior project managers, project controllers, environment managers and risk managers to assist you with their knowledge and experience.

Project management

Risk management

Project control

Environment management


Martijn van Verseveld.

Tel: +316 48 76 57 35

Mohamed Rkhaoui.

Tel: +316 81 85 21 17

What can the ITC Group do for you?

Create a winning strategy;
Devise and design a vision and corporate identity for a project organisation;
Organise sessions to meet the quality criteria of the client;
Write proposals/bids/MEAT/EMVI/EMVO documents;
Write project management plans required during the realisation;
Create a graphic design for the plans in 2D and 3D;
Analyse BIM models;
Review and edit proposals/bids/MEAT/EMVO documents;
Create presentations;
Give presentation and interview training;

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